(function($){ /********************************************************** * Variables: als (contains data of the current instance), * instance (number of the current instance), * methods (methods of als plugin) *********************************************************/ var als = [], instance = 0; var methods = { /****************************************************** * plugin inizialization * @param {Object} options: configuration options ******************************************************/ init: function(options){ this.each(function(){ var defaults = { visible_items: 8, scrolling_items: 1, orientation: "horizontal", circular: "no", autoscroll: "no", interval: 4000, speed: 600, easing: "swing", direction: "left", start_from: 0 }, $obj = $(this), data = $obj.data("als"), $options = $(), $item = $(), $wrapper = $(), $viewport = $(), $prev = $(), $next = $(), num_items = 0, viewport_width = 0, wrapper_width = 0, viewport_height = 0, wrapper_height = 0, initial_movement = 0, maxHeight = 0, maxWidth = 0, i = 0, j = 0, current = 0, timer = 0, mm = {}; mm.swipeTreshold = 100, mm.allowedTime = 300; $options = $.extend(defaults, options); /********************************************************************* * configuration controls: autoscroll option implies * infinite circular scrolling *********************************************************************/ if($options.circular == "no" && $options.autoscroll == "yes") { $options.circular = "yes"; } /************************************* * checking easing option *************************************/ if($options.easing != "linear" || $options.easing != "swing") { $options.easing = "swing"; } /*********************************************************************************** * define ID for the different plugin section to name them directly **********************************************************************************/ if(!$obj.attr("id") || $obj.attr("id") == "") { $obj.attr("id","als-container_" + instance); } $obj.attr("data-id","als-container_" + instance); $viewport = $obj.find(".als-viewport").attr("data-id","als-viewport_" + instance); $wrapper = $obj.find(".als-wrapper").attr("data-id","als-wrapper_" + instance); $item = $obj.find(".als-item"); num_items = $item.size(); /*************************************************************************************** * configuration controls: number of visible element can not be higher than * total number of list element and scrolling items can not be more * than visible items * start_from number can not be higher than total number of list elements ***************************************************************************************/ if($options.visible_items > num_items) { $options.visible_items = num_items - 1; } if($options.scrolling_items > $options.visible_items) { $options.scrolling_items = $options.visible_items - 1; } if($options.start_from > num_items - $options.visible_items) { $options.start_from = 0; } /****************************************************** * prev and next button inizialization (if present) ******************************************************/ $prev = $obj.find(".als-prev").attr("data-id","als-prev_" + instance); $next = $obj.find(".als-next").attr("data-id","als-next_" + instance); /********************************************************************* * relative to chosen orientation I calculate width and height * of the list wrapper (wrapper) and of the list viewport (viewport) * @param {Object} index: internal elements index *********************************************************************/ switch($options.orientation) { case "horizontal": default: $item.each(function(index) { $(this).attr("id","als-item_" + instance + "_" + index); wrapper_width += $(this).outerWidth(true); if($(this).outerHeight(true) > maxHeight) { maxHeight = $(this).outerHeight(true); } if(i < $options.visible_items) { if($options.start_from == 0) { viewport_width += $(this).outerWidth(true); i++; } else { if(index >= $options.start_from) { viewport_width += $(this).outerWidth(true); i++; } } } if($options.start_from != 0) { if(j < $options.start_from) { initial_movement += $(this).outerWidth(true); j++; } current = $options.start_from; } }); $wrapper.css("width", wrapper_width); $item.css("left", -initial_movement); $viewport.css("width", viewport_width); $wrapper.css("height", maxHeight); $viewport.css("height", maxHeight); if($options.circular == "yes" && $options.start_from != 0) { /**************************************************** * must reset the hidden elements if start_from != 0 ****************************************************/ for (r = 0; r < $options.start_from; r++) { var position = $item.last().position(), right_repos = position.left + $item.last().outerWidth(true); $item.eq(r).css("left", right_repos); } } break; case "vertical": $item.each(function(index) { $(this).attr("id","als-item_" + instance + "_" + index); wrapper_height += $(this).outerHeight(true); if($(this).outerWidth(true) > maxWidth) { maxWidth = $(this).outerWidth(true); } if(i < $options.visible_items) { if($options.start_from == 0) { viewport_height += $(this).outerHeight(true); i++; } else { if(index >= $options.start_from) { viewport_height += $(this).outerHeight(true); i++; } } } if($options.start_from != 0) { if(j < $options.start_from) { initial_movement += $(this).outerHeight(true); j++; } current = $options.start_from; } }); $wrapper.css("height", wrapper_height); $item.css("top", -initial_movement); $viewport.css("height", viewport_height); $wrapper.css("width", maxWidth); $viewport.css("width", maxWidth); if($options.circular == "yes" && $options.start_from != 0) { /**************************************************** * must reset the hidden elements if start_from != 0 ****************************************************/ for (r = 0; r < $options.start_from; r++) { var position = $item.last().position(), bottom_repos = position.top + $item.last().outerHeight(true); $item.eq(r).css("top", bottom_repos); } } break } /************************************************** * if circular == no don't show prev button * at the beginning but only if start_from == 0 **************************************************/ if($options.circular == "no") { if($options.start_from == 0) { $prev.css("display","none"); } if($options.visible_items + $options.start_from == num_items) { $next.css("display","none"); } } /****************************************** * prev and next buttons inizialization ******************************************/ $next.on("click touchstart touchend",nextHandle); $prev.on("click touchstart touchend",prevHandle); /***************************************** * initializing swipe-touch control *****************************************/ $viewport.on('touchstart', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches == undefined) { var touch = e; } else { var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } mm.ox = touch.pageX; mm.oy = touch.pageY; mm.startTime = new Date().getTime(); }); $viewport.on('touchmove', function(e) { }); $viewport.on('touchend', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches == undefined) { var touch = e; } else { var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } mm.dx = touch.pageX - mm.ox; mm.dy = touch.pageY - mm.oy; mm.endTime = new Date().getTime() - mm.startTime; if($options.orientation == "horizontal") { if(mm.dx < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // can scroll forth on swipe only if circular or if start_from < num_items if($options.circular == "yes" || $options.visible_items + $options.start_from < num_items) { nextHandle(e,$viewport); } } else if(mm.dx > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // can scroll back on swipe only if circular or if start_from > 0 if($options.circular == "yes" || $options.start_from > 0) { prevHandle(e,$viewport); } } } else { if(mm.dy < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // can scroll forth on swipe only if circular or if start_from < num_items if($options.circular == "yes" || $options.visible_items + $options.start_from < num_items) { nextHandle(e,$viewport); } } else if(mm.dy > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // can scroll back on swipe only if circular or if start_from > 0 if($options.circular == "yes" || $options.start_from > 0) { prevHandle(e,$viewport); } } } }); /************************************************** * saving instance parameters in a variable (data) * for future use **************************************************/ $obj.data('als', { container : $obj, instance : instance, options : $options, viewport : $viewport, wrapper : $wrapper, prev : $prev, next : $next, item : $item, num_items : num_items, wrapper_width : wrapper_width, viewport_width : viewport_width, wrapper_height : wrapper_height, viewport_height : viewport_height, current : current, timer : timer, mm : mm }); data = $obj.data('als'); als[instance] = data; /********************************************* * automatic scrolling function inizialization * if it is the case *********************************************/ if($options.autoscroll == "yes") { $.fn.als('start',instance); $wrapper.hover(function() { $.fn.als('stop',$(this).attr("data-id")); },function() { $.fn.als('start',$(this).attr("data-id")); }); } else if($options.autoscroll == "no") { $.fn.als('stop',instance); } /******************************************* * increasing instance number and * returning als variable now inizialized ******************************************/ instance++; return als; }); }, /***************************************************** * step function for lists elements * @param {Object} id: instance or ID of the element * that calls the function *****************************************************/ next: function(id){ id = find_instance(id); var data = als[id], mm = data.mm, k1 = 0, k2 = 0; /*************************************************** * depending on list orientation I calculate * the element horizontal or vertical movement ***************************************************/ switch(data.options.orientation) { /***************************************** * list orientation: horizontal ****************************************/ case "horizontal": default: var shift_left = 0, viewport_width = 0; /************************************************ * depending on scrolling type I calculate * the movement and the repositioning of the * list elements ************************************************/ switch(data.options.circular) { /**************************** * infinite scrolling: no ****************************/ case "no": default: /******************************************************************** * I calculate the elements' movement on the basis of the scrolling * items number starting from the current index ********************************************************************/ for (k1 = data.current; k1 < data.current + data.options.scrolling_items; k1++) { shift_left += data.item.eq(k1).outerWidth(true); } /**************************************************************** * I modify the current element on the basis of the scrolling * elements number ****************************************************************/ data.current += data.options.scrolling_items; /******************************************************************* * I calculate the viewport width on the basis of the width of the * elements that will be visible AFTER the animation *******************************************************************/ for (k2 = data.current; k2 < data.current + data.options.visible_items; k2++) { viewport_width += data.item.eq(k2).outerWidth(true); } /******************************************************** * I animate the viewport width ********************************************************/ data.viewport.animate({ "width": viewport_width }, data.options.speed, data.options.easing); /********************************************** * I animate the scrolling elements *********************************************/ data.item.animate({ "left": "-=" + shift_left }, data.options.speed, data.options.easing); /*********************************************************** * after the animation of all elements has finished * (deferred object) ***********************************************************/ data.item.promise().done(function() { /**************************************************** * I bind again the "click" action to the prev * and next buttons (unbinded to prevent undesirable * behaviour during the scrolling animation) ***************************************************/ data.next.on("click touchstart touchend",nextHandle); data.prev.on("click touchstart touchend",prevHandle); data.viewport.on('touchend', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches == undefined) { var touch = e; } else { var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } mm.dx = touch.pageX - mm.ox; mm.dy = touch.pageY - mm.oy; mm.endTime = new Date().getTime() - mm.startTime; if(data.options.orientation == "horizontal") { if(mm.dx < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll on swipe only of there are enough elements if (data.current + data.options.visible_items < data.num_items) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else if(mm.dx > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll back on swipe only if there are enough elements if(data.current > 0) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } } else { if(mm.dy < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll on swipe only of there are enough elements if (data.current + data.options.visible_items < data.num_items) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else if(mm.dy > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll back on swipe only if there are enough elements if(data.current > 0) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } } }); }); /********************************************************** * visibility control of the prev and next buttons **********************************************************/ if(data.current > 0) { data.prev.show(); } if (data.current + data.options.visible_items >= data.num_items) { data.next.hide(); } break; /**************************** * infinite scrolling: yes ***************************/ case "yes": var memo = 0, memo_index = []; /************************************************************************** * I calculate displacement and memorize indices of the elements that * I have to move because they will be then repositioned in the queue **************************************************************************/ for (k1 = data.current; k1 < data.current + data.options.scrolling_items; k1++) { var k3 = k1; /****************************************************** * I control if I exceed the total number of elements ******************************************************/ if(k1 >= data.num_items) { k3 = k1 - data.num_items; } shift_left += data.item.eq(k3).outerWidth(true); memo_index[memo]= k3; memo ++; } /**************************************************************** * edit current element as a function of the number of elements * to slide in a single step ****************************************************************/ data.current += data.options.scrolling_items; /****************************************************** * I control if I exceed the total number of elements ******************************************************/ if(data.current >= data.num_items) { data.current -= data.num_items; } /*********************************************************************** * calculating the extent of the viewport based on the items that * will be visible after scrolling ***********************************************************************/ for (k2 = data.current; k2 < data.current + data.options.visible_items; k2++) { var k4 = k2; /***************************************************** * I control if I exceed the total number of elements *****************************************************/ if(k2 >= data.num_items) { k4 = k2 - data.num_items; } viewport_width += data.item.eq(k4).outerWidth(true); } /****************************************************** * viewport width animation ******************************************************/ data.viewport.animate({ "width": viewport_width }, data.options.speed, data.options.easing); /****************************************************************** * scrolling animation of elements and repositioning of elements * stored in the queue *****************************************************************/ data.item.animate({ "left": "-=" + shift_left }, data.options.speed, data.options.easing); /*********************************************************** * once the animation of all the elements has finished * (deferred object) ***********************************************************/ data.item.promise().done(function() { /**************************************************************************** * repositioning is calculated based on the location of the last element of * the list, double check if I have to move the first element ****************************************************************************/ var position = data.item.last().position(), right_repos = position.left + data.item.last().outerWidth(true); for(k5 = 0; k5 < memo_index.length; k5++) { if(memo_index[k5] == 0) { var position = data.item.last().position(), right_repos = position.left + data.item.last().outerWidth(true); } data.item.eq(memo_index[k5]).css("left", right_repos); } /********************************************* * re bind buttons "click" event that have * been detached from the handle to handle * properly the time of animation ********************************************/ data.next.on("click touchstart touchend",nextHandle); data.prev.on("click touchstart touchend",prevHandle); data.viewport.on('touchend', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches == undefined) { var touch = e; } else { var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } mm.dx = touch.pageX - mm.ox; mm.dy = touch.pageY - mm.oy; mm.endTime = new Date().getTime() - mm.startTime; if(data.options.orientation == "horizontal") { if(mm.dx < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } else if(mm.dx > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else { if(mm.dy < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } else if(mm.dy > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } }); }); break; } break; /************************************** * list orientation: vertical **************************************/ case "vertical": var shift_top = 0, viewport_height = 0; /************************************************ * depending on the type of sliding I calcule * the displacement and the repositioning of the * elements of the list ************************************************/ switch(data.options.circular) { /**************************** * infinite scrolling: no ***************************/ case "no": default: /******************************************************************** * displacement calculation based on the number of elements to * slide in a single step ********************************************************************/ for (k1 = data.current; k1 < data.current+data.options.scrolling_items; k1++) { shift_top += data.item.eq(k1).outerHeight(true); } /**************************************************************** * I edit element current as a function of the number of elements * to slide in a single step ****************************************************************/ data.current += data.options.scrolling_items; /*********************************************************************** * calculating the width of the viewport on the basis of the visible * elements AFTER the sliding animation ***********************************************************************/ for (k2 = data.current; k2 < data.current + data.options.visible_items; k2++) { viewport_height += data.item.eq(k2).outerHeight(true); } /*************************************************** * I animate the viewport width ***************************************************/ data.viewport.animate({ "height": viewport_height }, data.options.speed, data.options.easing); /**************************************** * I animate the elements scrolling ****************************************/ data.item.animate({ "top": "-=" + shift_top }, data.options.speed, data.options.easing); /********************************************************** * once the animation of all the elements has finished * (deferred object) **********************************************************/ data.item.promise().done(function() { /********************************************* * re bind buttons "click" event that has * been detached from the handle to handle * properly the time of animation ********************************************/ data.next.on("click touchstart touchend",nextHandle); data.prev.on("click touchstart touchend",prevHandle); data.viewport.on('touchend', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches == undefined) { var touch = e; } else { var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } mm.dx = touch.pageX - mm.ox; mm.dy = touch.pageY - mm.oy; mm.endTime = new Date().getTime() - mm.startTime; if(data.options.orientation == "horizontal") { if(mm.dx < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll on swipe only of there are enough elements if (data.current + data.options.visible_items < data.num_items) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else if(mm.dx > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll back on swipe only if there are enough elements if(data.current > 0) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } } else { if(mm.dy < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll on swipe only of there are enough elements if (data.current + data.options.visible_items < data.num_items) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else if(mm.dy > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll back on swipe only if there are enough elements if(data.current > 0) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } } }); }); /**************************************************** * control visibility of the scroll buttons on * the basis of the current element ****************************************************/ if(data.current > 0) { data.prev.show(); } if (data.current + data.options.visible_items >= data.num_items) { data.next.hide(); } break; /**************************** * infinite scrolling: yes ****************************/ case "yes": var memo = 0, memo_index = []; /**************************************************************** * displacement calculation based on the number of elements to * slide in a single step and memorization of items to reposition ****************************************************************/ for (k1 = data.current; k1 < data.current + data.options.scrolling_items; k1++) { var k3 = k1; /********************************************** * control that the index does not exceed the * total number of the elements *********************************************/ if(k1 >= data.num_items) { k3 = k1 - data.num_items; } shift_top += data.item.eq(k3).outerHeight(true); memo_index[memo]= k3; memo ++; } /**************************************************************** * edit current element on the basis of the number of elements * to slide in a single step ****************************************************************/ data.current += data.options.scrolling_items; /************************************************* * control that the index does not exceed the * total number of the elements ************************************************/ if(data.current >= data.num_items) { data.current -= data.num_items; } /****************************************************************************** * calculating the width of viewport on the basis of the visible elements * AFTER the scrolling ******************************************************************************/ for (k2 = data.current; k2 < data.current + data.options.visible_items; k2++) { var k4 = k2; /********************************************** * control that the index does not exceed the * total number of the elements *********************************************/ if(k2 >= data.num_items) { k4 = k2 - data.num_items; } viewport_height += data.item.eq(k4).outerHeight(true); } /************************************************* * I animate the viewport width *************************************************/ data.viewport.animate({ "height": viewport_height }); /**************************************************************** * I animate the elements and reposition those previously stored ***************************************************************/ data.item.animate({ "top": "-=" + shift_top }); /************************************************************ * once all the elements' animations has finished * (deferred object) ***********************************************************/ data.item.promise().done(function() { /************************************************************************ * repositioning is calculated based on the location of the last element * of the list. Take care to the repositioning of the first element * that needs to be recalculated AFTER the last was eventually relocated ************************************************************************/ var position = data.item.last().position(), bottom_repos = position.top + data.item.last().outerHeight(true); for(k5 = 0; k5 < memo_index.length; k5++) { if(memo_index[k5] == 0) { var position = data.item.last().position(), bottom_repos = position.top + data.item.last().outerHeight(true); } data.item.eq(memo_index[k5]).css("top", bottom_repos); } /********************************************* * re bind buttons "click" event that has * been detached from the handle to handle * properly the time of animation ********************************************/ data.next.on("click touchstart touchend",nextHandle); data.prev.on("click touchstart touchend",prevHandle); data.viewport.on('touchend', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches == undefined) { var touch = e; } else { var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } mm.dx = touch.pageX - mm.ox; mm.dy = touch.pageY - mm.oy; mm.endTime = new Date().getTime() - mm.startTime; if(data.options.orientation == "horizontal") { if(mm.dx < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } else if(mm.dx > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else { if(mm.dy < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } else if(mm.dy > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } }); }); break; } break; } /************************************ * save the data in als instance and * return als object ***********************************/ als[id] = data; return als; }, /***************************************************** * sliding back function of the list elements * @param {Object} id: instance or ID of the element * that calls the function *****************************************************/ prev: function(id){ id = find_instance(id); var data = als[id], mm = data.mm, k1 = 0, k2 = 0; /*************************************************** * depending on the orientation of the list I * calculate the horizontal or vertical displacement * of the elements ***************************************************/ switch(data.options.orientation) { /*************************** * horizontal orientation ***************************/ case "horizontal": default: var shift_right = 0, viewport_width = 0; /**************************************************** * depending on the type of scroll (circular or not) * I calculate the displacement and the possible * repositioning of the elements of the list ****************************************************/ switch(data.options.circular) { /***************************** * circular scrolling: no *****************************/ case "no": default: /*************************************************************** * edit the current item index as a function of the elements to * slide in a single step: edit right away so that you can do * the next steps "forward" ***************************************************************/ data.current -= data.options.scrolling_items; /******************************************************************* * calculating the displacement of the elements according to the * number of elements to slide in a single step *******************************************************************/ for (k1 = data.current; k1 < data.current+data.options.scrolling_items; k1++) { shift_right += data.item.eq(k1).outerWidth(true); } /****************************************************************************** * calculation of the viewport width on the basis of the visible elements * AFTER the scrolling (on the basis of their width) ******************************************************************************/ for (k2 = data.current; k2 < data.current + data.options.visible_items; k2++) { viewport_width += data.item.eq(k2).outerWidth(true); } /************************************************* * animating the viewport width *************************************************/ data.viewport.animate({ "width": viewport_width }); /********************************** * animating elements scrolling **********************************/ data.item.animate({ "left": "+=" + shift_right }, data.options.speed, data.options.easing); /*********************************************************** * once all animations have finished * (deferred object) ***********************************************************/ data.item.promise().done(function() { /********************************************* * re bind buttons "click" event that have * been detached from the handle to manage * properly the time of animation ********************************************/ data.next.on("click touchstart touchend",nextHandle); data.prev.on("click touchstart touchend",prevHandle); data.viewport.on('touchend', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches == undefined) { var touch = e; } else { var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } mm.dx = touch.pageX - mm.ox; mm.dy = touch.pageY - mm.oy; mm.endTime = new Date().getTime() - mm.startTime; if(data.options.orientation == "horizontal") { if(mm.dx < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll on swipe only of there are enough elements if (data.current + data.options.visible_items < data.num_items) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else if(mm.dx > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll back on swipe only if there are enough elements if(data.current > 0) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } } else { if(mm.dy < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll on swipe only of there are enough elements if (data.current + data.options.visible_items < data.num_items) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else if(mm.dy > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll back on swipe only if there are enough elements if(data.current > 0) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } } }); }); /********************************************************** * control visibility of the scroll buttons **********************************************************/ if(data.current <= 0) { data.prev.hide(); } if (data.current + data.options.visible_items < data.num_items) { data.next.show(); } break; /***************************** * circular scrolling: yes *****************************/ case "yes": var memo = 0, memo_index = []; /*************************************************************** * edit the current item index as a function of the elements * to slide in a single step: edit right away so that we can do * the next steps "forward" ***************************************************************/ data.current -= data.options.scrolling_items; /************************************************** * check if the current element has not index < 0 **************************************************/ if(data.current < 0) { data.current += data.num_items; } /**************************************************************** * displacement calculation based on the elements to slide in a * single step and memorization of the items to reposition ****************************************************************/ for (k1 = data.current; k1 < data.current + data.options.scrolling_items; k1++) { var k3 = k1; /********************************************** * control that the index does not exceed the * total number of the elements *********************************************/ if(k1 >= data.num_items) { k3 = k1 - data.num_items; } shift_right += data.item.eq(k3).outerWidth(true); memo_index[memo]= k3; memo ++; } /****************************************************************************** * calculating the width of the viewport on the basis of the * visible elements AFTER the scrolling ******************************************************************************/ for (k2 = data.current; k2 < data.current + data.options.visible_items; k2++) { var k4 = k2; /********************************************** * control that the index does not exceed the * total number of the elements *********************************************/ if(k2 >= data.num_items) { k4 = k2 - data.num_items; } viewport_width += data.item.eq(k4).outerWidth(true); } /************************************************************************ * repositioning is calculated based on the location of the first element * of the list. Special care to the repositioning of the last element * that needs to be recalculated AFTER the first was eventually relocated ************************************************************************/ var position = data.item.first().position(), left_repos = position.left - data.wrapper_width; for(k5 = 0; k5 < memo_index.length; k5++) { data.item.eq(memo_index[k5]).css("left", left_repos); if(memo_index[k5] == 0) { var position0 = data.item.eq(0).position(), new_left_repos = position0.left - data.wrapper_width; for(k6 = 0; k6 < k5; k6++) { data.item.eq(memo_index[k6]).css("left", new_left_repos); } } } /************************************************************ * timeout of 200ms is necessary to wait before making the * scrolling animation, otherwise we can not properly manage * the repositioning of the list elements ************************************************************/ setTimeout(function() { /**************************************** * viewport width animation ****************************************/ data.viewport.animate({ "width": viewport_width }); /******************************* * list elements animation *******************************/ data.item.animate({ "left": "+=" + shift_right }, data.options.speed, data.options.easing); /********************************************************** * once all elements animations have finished * (deferred object) **********************************************************/ data.item.promise().done(function() { /********************************************* * re bind buttons "click" event that have * been detached from the handle to manage * properly the time of animation ********************************************/ data.next.on("click touchstart touchend",nextHandle); data.prev.on("click touchstart touchend",prevHandle); data.viewport.on('touchend', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches == undefined) { var touch = e; } else { var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } mm.dx = touch.pageX - mm.ox; mm.dy = touch.pageY - mm.oy; mm.endTime = new Date().getTime() - mm.startTime; if(data.options.orientation == "horizontal") { if(mm.dx < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } else if(mm.dx > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else { if(mm.dy < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } else if(mm.dy > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } }); }); }, 200); break; } break; /************************* * vertical orientation ************************/ case "vertical": var shift_bottom = 0, viewport_height = 0; switch(data.options.circular) { /***************************** * circular scrolling: no ****************************/ case "no": default: /*************************************************************** * edit the current item index as a function of the elements to * slide in a single step: edit right away so that we can do * the next steps "forward" ***************************************************************/ data.current -= data.options.scrolling_items; /**************************************************************** * displacement calculation based on the elements to slide * in a single step ****************************************************************/ for (k1 = data.current; k1 < data.current+data.options.scrolling_items; k1++) { shift_bottom += data.item.eq(k1).outerHeight(true); } /****************************************************************************** * calculating the width of the viewport on the basis of the visible elements * AFTER the scrolling ******************************************************************************/ for (k2 = data.current; k2 < data.current + data.options.visible_items; k2++) { viewport_height += data.item.eq(k2).outerHeight(true); } /*********************************************** * viewport width animation **********************************************/ data.viewport.animate({ "height": viewport_height }); /***************************************** * list elements scrolling animation *****************************************/ data.item.animate({ "top": "+=" + shift_bottom }, data.options.speed, data.options.easing); /********************************************************** * once all elemets animations have finished * (deferred object) **********************************************************/ data.item.promise().done(function() { /********************************************* * re bind buttons "click" event that have * been detached from the handle to manage * properly the time of animation ********************************************/ data.next.on("click touchstart touchend",nextHandle); data.prev.on("click touchstart touchend",prevHandle); data.viewport.on('touchend', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches == undefined) { var touch = e; } else { var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } mm.dx = touch.pageX - mm.ox; mm.dy = touch.pageY - mm.oy; mm.endTime = new Date().getTime() - mm.startTime; if(data.options.orientation == "horizontal") { if(mm.dx < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll on swipe only of there are enough elements if (data.current + data.options.visible_items < data.num_items) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else if(mm.dx > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll back on swipe only if there are enough elements if(data.current > 0) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } } else { if(mm.dy < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll on swipe only of there are enough elements if (data.current + data.options.visible_items < data.num_items) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else if(mm.dy > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { // scroll back on swipe only if there are enough elements if(data.current > 0) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } } }); }); /*********************************************************** * management of visibility of forward and backward buttons **********************************************************/ if(data.current <= 0) { data.prev.hide(); } if (data.current + data.options.visible_items < data.num_items) { data.next.show(); } break; case "yes": /***************************** * circular scrolling: yes *****************************/ var memo = 0, memo_index = []; /*************************************************************** * edit the current item index as a function of the elements to * slide in a single step: edit right away so that we can do * the next steps "forward" ***************************************************************/ data.current -= data.options.scrolling_items; /********************************************************* * control that the current element has not index < 0 *********************************************************/ if(data.current < 0) { data.current += data.num_items; } /******************************************************************** * displacement calculation based on the elements to slide in a * single step and memorization of those that have to be repositioned * later ********************************************************************/ for (k1 = data.current; k1 < data.current + data.options.scrolling_items; k1++) { var k3 = k1; /*********************************************** * control that the index does not exceed the * total number of the elements ***********************************************/ if(k1 >= data.num_items) { k3 = k1 - data.num_items; } shift_bottom += data.item.eq(k3).outerHeight(true); memo_index[memo]= k3; memo ++; } /****************************************************************************** * calculating the width of the viewport on the basis of the visible elements * AFTER the scrolling ******************************************************************************/ for (k2 = data.current; k2 < data.current + data.options.visible_items; k2++) { var k4 = k2; /*********************************************** * control that the index does not exceed the * total number of the elements ***********************************************/ if(k2 >= data.num_items) { k4 = k2 - data.num_items; } viewport_height += data.item.eq(k4).outerHeight(true); } /************************************************************************ * repositioning is calculated based on the location of the first element * of the list. Special care to the repositioning of the last element * that needs to be recalculated AFTER the first was eventually relocated ************************************************************************/ var position = data.item.first().position(), top_repos = position.top - data.wrapper_height; for(k5 = 0; k5 < memo_index.length; k5++) { data.item.eq(memo_index[k5]).css("top", top_repos); if(memo_index[k5] == 0) { var position0 = data.item.eq(0).position(), new_top_repos = position0.top - data.wrapper_height; for(k6 = 0; k6 < k5; k6++) { data.item.eq(memo_index[k6]).css("top", new_top_repos); } } } /************************************************************ * timeout of 200ms is necessary to wait before making the * scrolling animation, otherwise we can not properly manage * the repositioning of the list elements ************************************************************/ setTimeout(function() { /********************************************* * viewport width animation *********************************************/ data.viewport.animate({ "height": viewport_height }, data.options.speed, data.options.easing); /************************************ * list elements scrolling animation ***********************************/ data.item.animate({ "top": "+=" + shift_bottom }, data.options.speed, data.options.easing); /*********************************************************** * once all elements animations have finished * (deferred object) **********************************************************/ data.item.promise().done(function() { /********************************************* * re bind buttons "click" event that have * been detached from the handle to manage * properly the time of animation ********************************************/ data.next.on("click touchstart touchend",nextHandle); data.prev.on("click touchstart touchend",prevHandle); data.viewport.on('touchend', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches == undefined) { var touch = e; } else { var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } mm.dx = touch.pageX - mm.ox; mm.dy = touch.pageY - mm.oy; mm.endTime = new Date().getTime() - mm.startTime; if(data.options.orientation == "horizontal") { if(mm.dx < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } else if(mm.dx > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } else { if(mm.dy < -mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { nextHandle(e,data.viewport); } else if(mm.dy > mm.swipeTreshold && mm.endTime < mm.allowedTime) { prevHandle(e,data.viewport); } } }); }); }, 200); break; } break; } /************************************ * saving als instance data and * returning als object ***********************************/ als[id] = data; return als; }, /************************************************************** * start function for automatic scrolling * @param {Object} id: instance or ID of the element that has * called the function **************************************************************/ start: function(id) { id = find_instance(id); var data = als[id]; /********************************************************** * stopping any previous automatic scrolling *********************************************************/ if(data.timer != 0) { clearInterval(data.timer); } /************************************ * depending on the direction you * choose automatic scrolling begins ***********************************/ switch(data.options.direction) { /************************************************ * if left or up (that means "forward") ************************************************/ case "left": case "up": default: /************************************ * detachment from the handler buttons * and the animation forward start * (next function) ************************************/ data.timer = setInterval(function(){ data.next.off(); data.prev.off(); data.viewport.off("touchend"); $.fn.als('next',id); },data.options.interval); break; /*************************************************** * if right or down (that means "backward") ***************************************************/ case "right": case "down": /************************************ * detachment from the handler buttons * and the animation forward start * (prev function) ************************************/ data.timer = setInterval(function(){ data.prev.off(); data.next.off(); data.viewport.off("touchend"); $.fn.als('prev',id); },data.options.interval); break; } /************************************ * saving als instance data and * returning als object ***********************************/ als[id] = data; return als; }, /************************************************************** * stop function for automatic scrolling * @param {Object} id: instance or ID of the element that * called the function **************************************************************/ stop: function(id) { id = find_instance(id); var data = als[id]; /******************************** * stop autoscrolling *******************************/ clearInterval(data.timer); /************************************ * saving data into als instance * and returning als object ***********************************/ als[id] = data; return als; }, /************************************** * function that destroys als instance **************************************/ destroy: function() { id = find_instance($(this).attr("data-id")); var data = als[id]; data.prev.off(); data.next.off(); data.viewport.off(); $.fn.als("stop",id); $.removeData(data, "als"); this.unbind(); this.element = null; } } /************************** ************************** * service functions ************************** **************************/ /******************************************************************** * function to find the current plugin instance * @param {Object} id: plugin instance od ID of the element that * called the plugin ********************************************************************/ function find_instance(id) { if(typeof(id) === "string") { var position = id.indexOf("_"); if(position != -1) { id = id.substr(position+1); } } return id } /**************************************************** * function that manages "click" action on next button * @param e event, $obj object ***************************************************/ function nextHandle(e,$obj) { e.preventDefault(); if($obj === undefined) $obj = $(this); var id = find_instance($obj.attr("data-id")), data = als[id]; /********************************************* * unbinding next and prev buttons so that * they don't interfere with current animation ********************************************/ data.next.off(); data.prev.off(); data.viewport.off("touchend"); /******************************************** * calling next function on this instance ********************************************/ $.fn.als('next',id); } /****************************************************** * function that manages "click" action on prev button * @param e event, $obj object ******************************************************/ function prevHandle(e,$obj) { e.preventDefault(); if($obj === undefined) $obj = $(this); var id = find_instance($obj.attr("data-id")), data = als[id]; /*********************************************** * unbinding next and prev buttons so that * they don't interfere with current animation **********************************************/ data.prev.off(); data.next.off(); data.viewport.off("touchend"); /********************************************* * calling prev function on this instance *********************************************/ $.fn.als('prev',id); } /******************************************************************** * function that generates the plugin and instantiates its methods * @param {Object} method *******************************************************************/ $.fn.als = function( method ) { if ( methods[method] ) { return methods[ method ].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 )); } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) { return methods.init.apply( this, arguments ); } else { $.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.als' ); } }; })(jQuery);